Thursday, October 16, 2008

Business Development

Slacking off at BD now.. Bleahx! The teacher is going on and on abt balancing financial figures in our business (kinda my part of the proj) and I am still worrying abt my trapped troops in travian. Yeah, it is just a game but its irritatingly unnerving bcoz MY SOLDIERS ARE STUCK AND I CAN'T RAID ANYONE = NO FUN. Poo.

And the meanie is blackmailing me so tt sucks too! *kicks up a fuss*

But but but, the phrase 1 report is back! Not so much the B+ we got but more so, the "good analysis" component was my contribution. Woots~ :)

Considering me losing my thumbdrive once and forgetting to save another time, I effectively analysed the cake industry in Singapore thrice!!! So obviously, practise makes perfect lah. Lol. But Tiffy bully me. :( The report over so long ago! How to rmbr who do what part sia?! But then again, nv claim credit means modest. No meh? Heehee.

Dumdeedumdum~ I am bored and there is nothing to play... Sigh bigtime. Counting down to dinner with the dearies tonight. 5.30pm..... Please come quickly... ^^


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